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Rule of 30 - how to balance Growth vs Profit

Sep 09, 2024
CFO use Rule of 30: balance vs profit

The “Rule of 30,” as popularized by Tee Up Advisors, is a vital financial benchmark that helps mature businesses balance growth with profitability. Unlike the Rule of 40 popular in tech industries, the Rule of 30 is tailored for traditional businesses aiming for long-term stability. The rule suggests that a company’s combined growth rate and profit margin should total 30% or more. Here’s how businesses can use this rule effectively:


5% Growth, 25% Profit Margin: The Cash Generator

Businesses with a 5% growth rate and a 25% profit margin are often in a strong financial position. These companies are well-established, generating significant cash flow with minimal growth. The primary focus should be on maintaining profitability while exploring potential growth opportunities. A CFO’s role here includes analyzing operational efficiency and ensuring that profits are strategically reinvested into the business or returned to shareholders.


10% Growth, 20% Profit Margin: Balanced Expansion

When a company maintains a 10% growth rate alongside a 20% profit margin, it finds itself in an enviable position. This balance allows the firm to reinvest in its growth while ensuring financial stability. A CFO can guide decisions on whether to allocate cash flow toward further growth initiatives or to safeguard the company’s financial health.


15% Growth, 15% Profit Margin: Private Equity Sweet Spot

A business achieving 15% growth and 15% profit margin often attracts private equity interest. This profile offers flexibility, allowing a company to either scale up growth or consolidate profits, depending on market conditions. The CFO plays a critical role in managing these strategic decisions, ensuring that any shifts in focus are backed by robust financial planning.


20% Growth, 10% Profit Margin: High Growth Challenge

Companies experiencing rapid 20% growth at the expense of reduced profit margins face significant challenges. This aggressive growth strategy demands careful management to avoid financial instability. A CFO’s expertise is essential in balancing growth with profitability, ensuring the company doesn’t overstretch and risk long-term viability.


Rule of 100: The Outlier

Some businesses achieve a “Rule of 100” where both growth and profit margins are at 50%. These companies are typically smaller and can scale quickly, though they often lack the built-out management structures of larger firms. While a Fractional CFO can still add value, these businesses may not need to adhere strictly to the Rule of 30.


The Role of a CFO in Maintaining the Rule of 30

A CFO is crucial for applying the Rule of 30 effectively across various business scenarios. Their role involves financial planning, performance monitoring, cost management, and strategic decision-making, ensuring the company remains financially healthy and growth-oriented.


Just One More Idea: Implementing an EOS

In addition to these financial strategies, companies may consider implementing an Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) to maintain focus and alignment as they grow. EOS provides a structured framework that, when combined with strong financial management, helps ensure sustainable and profitable growth.



The Rule of 30 offers a valuable framework for balancing growth and profitability in mature businesses. By working closely with a CFO, companies can apply this rule to achieve financial stability and position themselves for long-term success. Whether striving for the Rule of 30, 40, or even 100, the strategic guidance of a CFO ensures that growth is sustainable and aligned with the company’s objectives.

If you want to improve your business situation, get assistance now. Schedule your free consultation today or give us a call at (218) 491-4002. We're here to help!

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