Entertainment expenses incurred to entertain a client, customer, or employee may be deductible if the expense meets two tests. First, the...
Items purchased that have over one year of useful life and are over $_____ in value are typically considered depreciable assets. This includes such...
Make sure that you have receipts for all expenditures related to your business. A cancelled check is not sufficient. Be prepared, in case of an...
It is important that you let us know if you are making deposits other than sales or revenue-related deposits. These could take the form of personal...
Depending on your sales tax volume, you will be required to file monthly, quarterly or annually. We can file these for you if directed. Be aware...
We offer full service payroll in addition to our bookkeeping and tax services. This includes live checks and direct deposit as well as same-day...
If you calculate and write your own payroll checks, you are an after-the-fact payroll client. You will enter the gross pay and related payroll tax...
You are a client with an outside payroll processor if a payroll company such as Paychex, ADP, etc. calculates and writes your paychecks for you.
Never use the tax money withheld from employees for other business purposes, and always pay these taxes on time. Even if the business files for...
We strongly discourage employee advances. If you advance an employee’s pay with a check written prior to a regularly scheduled pay date, code...
Never pay anyone “under the table.” For one thing, you will not get a business deduction for the payment. This means you end up paying...
Deposit Schedules
Monthly Deposit Schedule:
If you are a monthly depositor, payroll taxes must be deposited by the 15th day of the following month....